3 Tips To Prepare Surfaces For Painting In Commercial Buildings
Looking to revitalize your commercial facility? A good paint job will do the trick. But proper surface preparation is crucial to getting durable paint results. This process is time and labor-intensive, with numerous obstacles, especially in a large commercial building. But it helps avoid issues like peeling paint, fading, crazing, and blistering paint.
With correct surface preparation and proper application strategies, success is a guarantee for your painting project. Learn how you can prepare your commercial property for painting.
Examine Surfaces Closely
Before the painters apply a fresh paint coat on a surface, you should first evaluate the present status of the surface. You don't want to paint over a damaged surface as this will worsen structural issues. So, thoroughly inspect the surface and address all problem areas to avoid issues later.
If the surface has fungal growth (like algae or mold), you should scrape away the growth and sand the surface to smoothen it. Then, treat the affected area with a suitable chemical to kill the growth.
Also, check for other signs of surface deterioration like pest damage, fracturing, or rot, and conduct the required repairs. Use a stabilizing solution to prime badly weathered surfaces so that the paint adheres properly.
Consider The Weather
Weather conditions like snow, rain, and wind can negatively impact surface preparation for an exterior paint job. Ideally, you should prepare your surfaces and paint your walls during mild weather conditions, with low humidity.
Remember when it's too rainy, windy, hot, or cold, surface preparation procedures such as paint removal and pressure washing may not be possible. For instance, if you schedule the painting project for summer, plan to prepare and paint your surfaces between rainy and windy periods. If, however, you expect bad weather, use paint tarps to protect your surfaces.
Ensure Proper Ventilation
Sufficient ventilation is vital in the interior of the structure you want to paint. So, as you prepare the surfaces, ensure the area has enough airflow to enhance the safety of people in adjoining areas.
Adequate ventilation also ensures that odors and toxic fumes don't disturb other occupants in your commercial facility. The fumes could also affect the painters and cause health issues such as dizziness and nausea, which might delay your painting project.
So, ensure you have functional HVAC systems, and change filters to maximize efficiency. Also, inspect your windows, doors, and insulation to make sure that they are in order.
After thoroughly cleaning the surfaces and taking into account the above pointers, your commercial building should be ready for a paint job. Contact a company such as Blue Star Painting Company for more information on surface preparation before you paint your commercial building.